East Gippsland’s waterways are remarkable ‘natural assets’ of Victoria, with the highest proportion of streams in ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’ condition in the state (approximately 82%) according to the Index of Stream Condition criteria.
The major rivers in the East Gippsland region are Genoa, Cann, Bemm, Snowy, Tambo, Nicholson and Mitchell.
Our waterways provide many of Victoria’s best fishing, swimming, camping, boating and scenic attractions. The health of these waterways underpins many aspects of tourism, employment and investment in the region.

Bemm River
The Bemm River is formed at the confluence of the Errinundra and Combienbar Rivers, upstream from the small township of Club Terrace.

Tambo River
The Tambo River starts on the southern slopes of the Great Dividing Range.