Three buckets of seed is all it took for Greening Australia to regenerate ten hectares of Red Gum Grassy Woodland at a site near Lindenow South.
The revegetation works were planted into areas that have been prioritised under the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority’s Native Vegetation Plan, a project funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.
Wild harvested seed; about 12 kgs worth, is expected to germinate over 40,000 woodland seedlings that were directly sown into the site in a single day last week.
Species include the Forest Red Gum, Lightwood, She Oaks, Honey Myrtle, Black Wattle and Dogwood species to name a few. Specialised equipment helps to achieve large areas of planting very quickly and encourage natural selection of species in the correct part of the landscape.
And to think, it only takes three buckets of seed.