More fish habitat structures will be placed in the estuarine reaches of the Snowy and Brodribb Rivers over the next 3 years.
The East Gippsland Management Authority (EGCMA) is working in partnership with the Marlo Angling Club, through funding from the Australian Government’s Fisheries Habitat Restoration Program. This project will focus on increasing instream habitat for key recreational fish species in the estuarine reaches with the installation of 50 large wood snags.
As well as the placement of snags, 1km of the river’s banks will be protected from erosion with rock.
Another important part of this project will include a trial of establishing 0.5ha of seagrass, a habitat that plays a vital role as fish nurseries.
Over the last 10 years dozens of fish habitat structures and/or logs have been introduced into the estuary. This along with around 600,000 Bass fingerlings has helped native fish species recover. This previous work has been a joint effort between many agencies and community groups including the EGCMA, the Arthur Rylan Institute (ARI), Victorian Fisheries Authority and the Marlo Angling club.
Graeme Dear, EGCMA CEO said, “The benefits of introducing fish habitat and stocking iconic Australian fish species into East Gippsland’s rivers is showing positive results.”
Recent fish surveys completed by the EGCMA with ARI in this area proved that fish species are recovering with many healthy fish, including Bass, gathering to spawn in the Snowy.