Another 50 fish habitat structures have been installed in the Snowy River.
In partnership with the Marlo Angling Club and through funding from the Australian Government’s Fisheries Habitat Restoration Program, the 50 large wood structures have been installed in the estuarine reaches of the Snowy River.
Installing these structures is part of an ongoing fish habitat project in the Snowy River and will complement previous work. The purpose-built fish habitat structures will benefit key recreational fish species by providing shelter and food sources.
“This project is a joint effort, and we value the contribution by the Marlo Angling Club in getting work like this done and helping us plan for future projects and future generations of fish and anglers,” said Bec Hemming, A/CEO of the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA)
A representative from the Federal Government visited East Gippsland last week to see the fish habitat project site and talk through the process of the on-ground work. “It is great to have investors inspect the projects they have funded, and even better when they see what an important and worthwhile investment it is.” Said Bec.
As well as the wood structures, one kilometre of the river’s banks will be protected from erosion with rock. The project will also include a trial of establishing seagrass. This seagrass habitat plays a vital role as fish nurseries.
Over the last ten years, dozens of fish habitat structures have been introduced into the Snowy Estuary. These structures, along with stocking around 600,000 Bass fingerlings, has helped native fish species thrive. Recreational angling projects on the Snowy River are a partnership with many agencies and community groups contributing, including the Marlo Angling Club, Arthur Rylah Institute, the Victorian Fisheries Authority and the EGCMA.