Whilst many are busy with veggies this time of year, we are planting seagrass!
Zostera mulleri is the species we are trialling in an underwater garden patch in the Gippsland Lakes.
Harvesting rhizomes (sections including roots) from areas where the seagrass is growing nicely, we created seagrass kebabs and planted them in areas where the grass is sparse.
We will be watching closely over the next 6 months to see how our little garden grows.
Seagrass is such an important species to the health of the lakes and all the critters that rely on it for food and shelter, we are hoping we can help restore it in some areas.
This collaborative project is made possible through funding from the Gippsland Lakes Love our Lakes program.
Seagrass meadows are a critical component of the ecological character of the Gippsland Lake Ramsar site. This is why it is important we understand how effective our management strategies are in protecting and rejuvenating seagrass populations now and into the future.