The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority has been working with local contractors to install twenty-five large wooden structures as habitat for fish and the small critters they feed on.
Funded through the State Governments recreational fishing licences fund, the structures are created from tethering logs with rootballs to a pile driven into the bed of the river from a barge. This minimises disturbance and damage to the adjoining riverbanks.
The structures create shelter and resting spots for key recreational angling species such as Australian Bass, Bream, Luderick and Estuary Perch, and provide refuge from predators.
“Large numbers of snags provide shelter and habitat for fish and the food they prey on”, said Graeme Dear, CEO of the EGCMA. “This project not only benefits the health of the Snowy estuary, but also recreational fishing and tourism for the region.”
Graeme said “ Marlo Angling Club has been actively involved over the years to help prioritise works and promote the benefits of a healthy river to fisherman and the broader community. We would like to thank them for their continued support.”
The EGCMA are working in partnership with DELWP and VicRoads to utilise suitable logs removed for roadworks to help improve our waterways.