The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA) hosted members from the DELWP Our Catchments, Our Communities (OCOC) team recently when they visited the region to learn about the progress of two projects funded by the Victorian Government’s $222 million investment to improve the health of the state’s waterways and catchments.
The EGCMA is working together with landholders, Gunaikurnai Land and Water Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC), community and partner agencies in the Swifts Creek / Ensay area to deliver a coordinated approach to looking after the Tambo catchment. The works have included fencing off stock access to the Tambo River, controlling weeds and planting native seedlings to encourage revegetation.
Also, at Skull Creek near Lindenow on the Red Gum Plains, Greening Australia is working closely with ten landholders to exclude stock from the creek, control rabbits and plant native seedlings. This project involves GLaWAC who have undertaken a cultural heritage survey on the site while their NRM crew are helping to deliver the weed control and planting. Lindenow and Lindenow South Primary schools have also been regular visitors with multiple excursions to help with revegetation and to learn about the cultural and environmental importance of the waterway.
Luke Murphy from DELWP said “It’s great to see so many community members involved in the projects. It’s nice to be able to visit the region and see the funds put to good use.”