Six Landcare Groups will share in funding to undertake works on their local waterways as part of the East Gippsland Regional Riparian Action Plan (RRAP) grants administered by the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (the EGCMA) and funded by the Victorian State Government.
Recipients include Bairnsdale Urban, Dargo, Eastwood, Goongerah, Nagle College and Swifts Creek Landcare Groups.
In the far east, Goongerah Landcare Group have worked tirelessly to tackle environmental weeds. Since 2012, the group have been identifying, mapping and treating invasive weeds such as Honeysuckle, Tutson and Inkweed in and around the township to stop their spread further downstream.
“We’re in a really special place” said Rena Gaborov, President of Goongerah Landcare. “We’re in the middle of forest, the Brodribb is really healthy up here and we need to maintain the biodiversity of the area. Weeds will stop that. They’ll just dominate the environment and take over.”
Graeme Dear, EGCMA CEO said, “Landcare groups are dedicated to looking after their local patch. The Victorian Water Plan funding is supporting these community efforts and aims to involve communities in caring for our waterways.”

The last six years has shown a big difference on the Combienbar River!
For many years the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA) has been partnering with landholders along the Combienbar River; constructing 20km of fencing and installing off-stream stock watering systems to keep cattle out of the waterway. A weed control program followed together with planting native plants to help reduce erosion in the river channel and provide habitat for wildlife. The photos above show the last six years of change. As they say, proofs in the pudding.
Through the Victorian Government’s Regional Riparian Action Plan initiative, farmers, Landcare groups, angling clubs and the wider community are improving areas like the Combienbar. Through people working together, we are seeing great results for the critters who call our rivers home.
East Gippsland is known for it’s beautiful rivers and waterways from Mallacoota to Bairnsdale. Funding through the Victorian Government’s Regional Riparian Action Plan (RRAP) has enabled the Authority to work in partnership with landholders, community groups and traditional owners to enhance recreational fishing, maintain sites of cultural significance and reduce impacts from stock grazing. Some examples are described below.
On Tonghi Creek (flowing into the Cann River), landholder Chris Nixon has recently completed works on his property. Upgrading fences and installing water troughs will keep stock off the creek and provide an alternative water supply. These measures will improve water quality and support the regeneration of native plants improving the health of Tonghi creek.
GLaWAC’s natural resource management crew provide services including fencing, weed control, growing seedlings, revegetation and cultural awareness training in Gippsland. Recently the NRM crew have been working to improve public access points to the well known fishing spots at the mouth of the Tambo River. These works are part of a coordinated effort to improve the access points and health of the Tambo River where many people like to visit.
The Twin Rivers Community Group are currently improving public access points at five popular fishing sites on the Tambo River around Swan Reach. Funded through the RRAP Angling Grants, the project will make significant contributions to restoring and maintaining the health of the Tambo River, improving recreational fishing access and re-establishing vegetation along the river.
Another great example of our communities getting stuff done!

Citizen science in East Gippsland is now as easy as taking a photo thanks to the installation of five ‘Fluker Posts’ across the region.
The posts have been installed by the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA) in partnership with DELWP and Victoria University to encourage the community to capture photos of the waterways and landscapes they love and enjoy.
Strategically placed on the highway bridge at Cann River, the West Cann bridge, Eagle Point Bluff and overlooking the estuary openings at Lake Tyers and Marlo, each post contains a a fixed photo-point where visitors are encouraged to place their smartphone, take a snap and send it to a listed email or upload it directly through an app.
The photographs can then be used to monitor the changing state of the environment over time. The Fluker Post Project allows the community to directly contribute towards the ongoing care and monitoring of our environment.
Graeme Dear, the EGCMA CEO, thinks that the fluker posts are a great way to get people thinking about the environment. “The Water Plan for Victoria encourages communities to get out and explore and enjoy the natural environment. This is such a simple concept but a fantastic way for people to get involved and provide valuable data at the same time.”
The project is funded by the Victorian State Government through the $30 million Regional Riparian Action Plan, which is part of the $222 million committed to improving the health of waterways and catchments in Victoria.
Many hands are making light work to improve access and amenity around the the Tambo River in Ensay.
The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (the Authority) has been working with DELWP, Swifts Creek / Ensay Landcare Group and local landholders to remove weeds, including blackberry, cape ivy and willows, over a 7km stretch of the waterway between Doctors Flat and Ensay.
The local Landcare group has identified and controlled weeds on areas along the river adjacent to private property.
The Authority has partnered with DELWP and engaged local contractors to improve river health and land productivity. In addition to the weed control, the project includes erecting fences to keep stock off the waterway and replanting key sites.
“Partnerships are of vital importance to the Authority and we appreciate the contribution and resources that landholders and partner agencies have contributed to make this project a success.” said Chief Executive Officer, Graeme Dear said.
These projects are funded by the Victorian Government’s Regional Riparian Action Plan and Our Catchment’s, Our Communities.