The TopSoils project is a multi-partner East Gippsland region project centred on improving soil condition for farm profitability through farmer driven focus groups and demonstration sites. The aim of the project is to encourage and support change towards best management practice in soil health. The TopSoils program is funded through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
TopSoils1 was developed in 2013 as a 5-year project aimed at increasing soil carbon and improving the health of soils across East Gippsland. The need was determined through Australian Bureau of Statistics data that showed that sustainable land management practices were not widely adopted in East Gippsland CMA region.
Project partners include:
East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority,
East Gippsland Landcare Network
Far East Victoria Landcare
Snowy River Interstate Landcare
Agriculture Victoria
Southern Farming Systems
The Landcare Networks in East Gippsland supported the development of 5 farmer driven focus groups across the region. These groups are based in geographical areas: Plains, Foothills, High Country, Far East and Deddick/Bendoc region. Each group is provided with group support (facilitator), training opportunities, on-farm trials, technical advice, and access to TopSoils demonstration sites.
Several demonstration sites were established by Agriculture Victoria and Southern Farming Systems as part of this project. These sites investigate the effects of nutrients and strategic grazing on weed loads in native pasture systems. Open days are held at these sites to share information.
There is no cost to be a member of a TopSoils group in your area or to attend the demonstration sites and you do not need to be a Landcare member to be a TopSoils member. There is an expectation that during the course of the project you will trial something you have learnt through the program and share the results with the project partners and participants. TopSoils will provide support through your trial process.
For more information about TopSoils click here.