Discovering the depths
13 December 2023
Members from local angling clubs and community groups discovered the underwater goings-on of fish habitat in their local waterways. The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) hosted a...

Connecting classrooms to the catchment
13 December 2023
Nothing sparks curiosity and understanding in children quite like the touch and feel of real wildlife. Last week, the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) teamed up with Black Snake...

Joey Scouts make a leap for nature
24 November 2023
Bairnsdale Joey Scouts combined fun and conservation in an exciting activity to support local frog species. The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority visited the Joey Scouts group to show them...

Seagrass Trials
22 November 2023
Whilst many are busy with veggies this time of year, we are planting seagrass! Zostera mulleri is the species we are trialling in an underwater garden patch in the Gippsland Lakes.Harvesting rhizomes...

Unlocking Water Wisdom
10 November 2023
EGCMA Staff Kim Allan, Bridget Potts and Bryce Watts-Parker at the Beechworth Three East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) staff travelled over the mountain to attend the 23rd Wise Waterways...

Bushfire Recovery Projects So Far
25 October 2023
Significant efforts have been invested in bushfire recovery over the past three years, and more work is being done. The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) continues to invest in...

Just keep swimming – threatened fish species uses the fishway
9 October 2023
A threatened native fish species, an Australian grayling, has been found at the top of the newly constructed fishway in the Buchan River. The Buchan River rock ramp fishway was built to address...

Video celebrates Alpine Peatlands protection
21 August 2023
East Gippsland is home to some of Victoria's 2000 hectares of Alpine Peatlands. Alpine peatlands, or Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and Associated Fens, are a nationally threatened ecological system found...

Sowing the Gap – Prepare for Drought
10 August 2023
Pictured: Trevor Caithness, CEO Gippsland Agriculture Group with Bec Hemming, CEO East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority partnered with East Gippsland...