The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority has worked with local government, Victorian SES and other organisations to develop the East Gippsland Floodplain Management Strategy.
Floods are commonplace in East Gippsland and our communities are very aware of their impacts. Floods have the potential to disrupt essential services such as transport, water supply, sewerage, electricity and communications and can pose a risk to property and life. Flooding in East Gippsland can and has isolated the east of the state.
Without effective management of land use on floodplains and emergency response during flood events, infrastructure damage costs, environmental damage and the community’s exposure to flood risk can increase.
Floodplain management involves reducing flood risk through the implementation of planning controls and agency coordination. Other activities to reduce flood risk include the provision of early and fit-for-purpose warnings, and data capture during and after an event to be captured and analysed to further improve predicting the severity and impact of future flood events.
Read the East Gippsland Regional Floodplain Management Strategy (EGFMS).

The objectives for the EGFMS are:
1. To build a flood resilient community
2. To reduce existing flood risks
3. To avoid future flood risks
4. To manage residual flood risks
The East Gippsland CMA is responsible for the oversight of statutory planning issues on floodplains, including coordinating rural drainage and planning permits for buildings. The East Gippsland CMA is supported by West Gippsland CMA to administer statutory functions, this includes providing support in floodplain management and drainage.
The East Gippsland CMA have recently completed an implementation report, to report the progress of achievements. The report can be accessed here EGRFMS Implementation Report.
Further information applicable to both CMAs is available on the:
West Gippsland CMA website (external link).
If you need to get flood advice from us, please use this electronic form.