News - Partnerships

Wetland Wonders

29 April 2019

Wetlands are more than just swamps, they serve an important ecological function and are important places for Traditional Owners. That was the takeaway at the recent Wonders of the Wetlands tour, led...

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Snowy Know How

21 April 2019

The lower Snowy River work is continuing this year with an ongoing partnership between the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA) and Moogji Aboriginal Council. The Moogji works crew...

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1 April 2019

Community members from near and far descended on Lindenow South to celebrate turtles! Did you know that many of Australia's freshwater turtles are under serious threat due to fox predation and human...

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Battens Landing work underway

18 March 2019

The Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) NRM  Crew have been working along the banks of the Tambo River, controlling weeds between Battens Landing and Stephenson Bridge. Working...

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Applications are now open for positions on the boards of Victoria’s 19 water corporations and 10 catchment management authorities.

11 March 2019

Minister for Water Lisa Neville is inviting applications to fill 115 director positions on Victoria’s water boards. Water corporations provide a range of services to customers comprising water supply,...

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Combienbar Improvements

4 March 2019

The last six years has shown a big difference on the Combienbar River! For many years the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA) has been partnering with landholders along the Combienbar...

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Landcare gets technical

25 February 2019

Landcare groups across the region have been polishing up on their technical skills in recent weeks, undertaking computer software training provided by the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority...

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Bass Release

3 December 2018

Last week saw the release of 25,000 Bass fingerlings into East Gippsland's waterways, with 15,000 released into the Nicholson and 10,000 into the Brodribb River as part of a project undertaken by the...

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Shellebrating Turtles

26 November 2018

Students from Lindenow Primary spent a delightful day with members of Turtles Australia, Greening Australia and the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA) last week learning about all...

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Promoting Diversity

19 November 2018

Promoting diversity in leadership was the theme of the 3rd annual Gippsland Women in Leadership Forum held in Traralgon last week. Organised by the Gippsland Environmental Agencies (GEA) Women in Leadership...

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout East Gippsland and pay our respects to them, their culture and their Elders past and present.